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  • Growth & Justice is a progressive think tank committed to making Minnesota's economy simultaneously more prosperous and fair. We believe that at a time of deep partisan division, Minnesotans can unite around one goal: a strong and growing state economy that provides a decent standard of living for all.

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August 16, 2012


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I think this is great, but what I think is even cooler is that a district in rural Minnesota has done this too. Northland Community Schools, with an enrollment of less than 400 district-wide, graduated an AA student last spring, and there is not a college within 25 miles. Now that is being creative for kids, especially necessary in a district where 70% are on free or reduced lunch.

Vanessa Montes

This is a Good News, now many of the senior students will be graduate with an associate humanities degree at no cost.

Trident University

Sounds like a good way to give high school kids a start on their college education and also less tuition since they will have so many credits out of the way.



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